Sunday, 18 November 2012

Mumford and sons

Another band i have just discovered is Mumford and Sons, they're not quite as good as Train, they are pretty good though. I do love this particular song (sorry about the bad language)


I have just discovered Train, they are absolutely flipping fantastic!!! My fave song is drive by but I also like 50 ways to say goodbye they just have that fabiosityness about them!!!

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Dog Videos from you've been framed

Dogs are so funny! Check out this video from you've been framed!!! Dogs are absloutely hilarious!!!

Harry Innes

Harry Innes' website

Harry Innes is one of the boys in my class, check out his website above, thanks!!!

Sunday, 11 November 2012

i love goths!!!

this is me trying out the goth look (or the golf look as my dad says) i absoloutely love it!!! its just a one off though i probably wont wear goth ever again!!! it is truly epic though!!!

Tanya X

Friday, 9 November 2012


had loads of fun in drama!!! see photos!!! im the one in the pink wig!!!


here are two pairs of the most epic shoes!!!